Sunday, January 25, 2009


No not me silly my pantry. So I have this insane need to plan and schedule everything. I am a planner....tracking should be so easy for me. Well I was watching the news and saw a woman who feeds her family of 4 on 60.00 a week so I said let's try her coupon hints. I have tons of WW coupons from the meetings and I went to Harris Teeter it is buy 1 get one free.
I spent 19.72 on the following
2 boxes of blueberry muffins from WW
1 twinkie like thing from WW
1 chocolate cake WW
1 iced latte ice pop from WW
10 WW yogurts
The cakes, muffins were buy 1 get one free I had a 1.00 off coupon. The yogurt I had 2 buy 1 get one free and it was on sale for 10 for 7.00 and I also had a 3rd coupon of 55 cents off and they double coupons so I got 1.10 off plus buy 1 get one free 2x.
I got at Kroger 14 WW/Lean Cuisine meals and sugar free caramel pudding and cool whip for 1 point I have a treat it is so good I had one when I got home. 2 1/2 hours of shopping I earned it.
I also got a new fiber 1 bar mocha chocolate I hope it tastes good. I heard good things about it.
So I have this week planned out of course. I hope be lose 4-5 lbs this week with the new gym and all my foods set.
I really want to get down to 248 so I can get my 50 lb charm from WW and be down 65 personally since July 12.
I am skinny under my fat!


IdaR said...

Somehow I never could get the hang of using coupons. But it sounds like you did well with your shopping.

ks said...

I am an avid couponer! I had no idea you could get coupons for WW stuffs. I don't buy toothpaste, toothbrushes, or toilet paper cuz I get it for free with coupons. LOVE COUPONS. Way to plan. I think I should try it.

Marisa @Loser for Life said...

Awesome! Sounds like you are set for your week ahead!

Kud said...

congrats on the almost 50lb mark!! I know you can get there and if anyone deserves that body, it's you!!

antgirl said...

I love handbags, too.

I love deals. I stuff my pantry and my freezer when I can get my hands on one. :)

Unknown said...

good luck on your goal I know you can make it