Friday, February 3, 2012

My journey so far ;-)

Hey I consider every day of my life a journey so here is what has been going on. I went and my with the nutritionist she was great and I feel so informed on what I should and should not be eating. I will not buy 100 calories packs or frozen diet meals again. I found this great blog Bariatric Foodie LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I am going away this weekend and I am working on my recipe binder. I will eat the same things as my family and they will eat healthy with me. My kids won't have to worry about facing major surgery like I am.
I have started to incorporate some eating practices for after surgery.
No chewing gum....psych dr said chew Altoids yay
No liquids with dinner stopping a half hour before and not drinking until a half hour later.
Chewing my food to a purée....I have to say the food really does taste better....I was eating so fast I don't think I actually tasted the food before.
I am back in the gym and I have a new found respect for my body. I know what I am capable of...GREATNESS LOL...but it is trapped in this shell. I can't wait to be free of this excess fat and get moving but until that times will keep moving forward with my working out change in diet and excited feeling for when I am on the other side. I never thought I would sayi want to be on the loser bench haha!
So I did 1 weight check of 4 months last one is April 27!!!!
I went to the psychiatrist that was fun haha
I met with the nutritionist and learned a ton.
Tuesday I go for my sleep study. I work in the middle of the night delivering papers I am looking forward to a full nights sleep.
Everyone so far has said they will recommend me for gastric bypass!!!!!!
All I have left are confirming my PCP sent over my last 2 years weights. Plus 3 more months of weight checks by my dr.
I love the support I have found online. Many people are not happy with my choice but I am!!!!
Here's to finding the Skinny Under My Fat!!!


Skippy Bo Bippy said...

For what it's worth, I support your decision. It makes me sad to think of people not being supportive.

I can't wait to see what changes you get to experience when you're on the other side of your surgery.

I wish you the best of luck and success. :)

Michelle said...

Thank you Kevin! I can't wait life is pretty great but I know when the surgery is all said and done things will be even better. I can't wait to be healthy!